

Reuse of Rainwater for IrrigationRainwater Harvesting (RWH), although not a new concept, has become increasingly practical in today's world as the availability of water sources dwindles and the costs of providing treated water for residential and commercial buildings has seen continued increases. The technology for the capture, storage and reuse of rainwater has also made significant advances and will continue to make progress moving forward. In the United States, recent periods of drought and shortages of water for both rural areas and large population areas have heightened public awareness towards all methods of water conservation. Therefore, rainwater harvesting is becoming increasingly popular, sensible and more cost effective.

The benefits and advantages of Rainwater Harvesting are numerous.

  • The water is free; the only cost is for collection, conveyance, filtration, storage and use of the system with minimal operation and maintenance.
  • The end use of the harvested water is located close to the source, eliminating the need for complex and costly distributions systems.
  • Rainwater provides a water source when groundwater is unacceptable or unavailable, or it can augment limited groundwater supplies.
  • The zero hardness of rainwater helps prevent scale on appliances, extending their use-life; rainwater eliminates the need for a water softener and the salts added during the softening process.
  • Rainwater is superior for plant watering.
  • Reduced Demand on Water Supplies - RWH helps utilities reduce periodic demand stresses and delays expensive expansion of existing water treatment plants.
  • Runoff Volume Reduction - RWH reduces the volume of storm water which lessens the impact of local erosion, pollutant and hydraulic loads on storm sewers and can help engineers, designers & planners in their permitting efforts for areas with storm water concerns.
  • Rain water harvesting systems add value to any property.
  • Monetary Savings - RWH reduces consumers' utility bills, and for this reason alone it is sensible for consumers of all types, particularly businesses, places of mass assembly and large scale water users to move toward this practice.

Typical Non-Potable Uses of Rainwater

Landscape Irrigation
Vehicle Washing
Home & Building Washing
Agriculture – Farms & Nurseries
Laundry Washing
Toilet Flushing
Fire Suppression/Protection
Pool/Pond Filling
Commercial/Industrial Processing
Commercial/Industrial Cooling

Typical Commercial Users of Rainwater

Office Buildings
Golf Courses – Equipment Washing & Irrigation
Hotels & Resorts
Warehouses & Factories
Schools & Public Service Facilities
Farms, Animal Care & Agricultural Buildings
Garden Centers & Nurseries
Industrial Developments
Coliseums, Sports Domes & Places of Mass Assembly
Fire Stations and/or Fire Vulnerable Communities

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